North Lake Trail – PD&E Study
Financial Project Identification (FPID) No.: 441626-2
The PD&E Study process is a blending of engineering analysis, environmental evaluations, and public and agency input. This process is used to develop transportation improvements that are technically sound, environmentally sensitive, economically feasible, and socially acceptable.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) developed the PD&E Study process in response to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, to ensure that transportation projects are developed with consideration of current engineering standards, project costs, and minimization of social and environmental impacts while involving the public throughout the study.
The North Lake Trail PD&E Study will follow FDOT’s approach to conducting this study. Click on the key activities within this approach to learn more.
The Project Overview Public Meeting was held on December 8, 2022. The purpose of this meeting was to introduce the PD&E Study to the public and to collect stakeholder input before alternatives were studied.
Once data collection is completed trail alternatives will be developed and evaluated. These alternatives will include the three alternatives from the Planning Corridor Study plus the “No Build” Alternative. The “No Build” Alternative means that this gap in the North Lake Trail will continue to exist. Although the No Build Alternative does not meet the purpose and need for the project, it will remain under consideration and serve as a baseline for comparison against other alternatives throughout the PD&E Study.
The Alternatives are evaluated with respect to social, cultural, physical, and natural resource impacts; costs; and public and stakeholder input.
The Alternative Concepts Public Workshop was held on Thursday, June 08, 2023 where the alternative concepts and related evaluations were presented. Input received from this workshop, along with the technical evaluations, will lead to the selection of the best alignment for this segment of the North Lake Trail.
After completing the technical evaluations and reviewing public input, a recommended alternative for the North Lake Trail Phase 3 was presented at the Recommended Alternative Public Meeting held on November 09, 2023.
A public hearing before the Lake County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) will be held at the end of the PD&E Study, in accordance with County procedures and with Part 1, Chapter 11 of the FDOT PD&E Manual. This hearing will focus on the recommended “Build” Alternative providing a forum for input from property owners and interested stakeholders concerning the final recommendations.
The technical work completed during the PD&E Study will be documented in a series of reports. The draft North Lake Trail Conceptual Analysis Report and supporting draft reports will be available for review before the public hearing, at the public hearing, and after the public hearing until the public comment period ends.
After the comments from the public hearing have been addressed, the project reports will be finalized and submitted to Lake County for final approval. The project will then be ready to move into future phases, which involve: design, and construction.
The following goals and objectives have been defined for this PD&E Study.
- Alternatives: The three corridor alternatives from the FDOT Corridor Planning Study will be evaluated from an engineering and environmental standpoint. These alternatives will address trail locations between E. Altoona Road and State Road 40 and will be presented to the public (including agency stakeholders) for review and input, leading to a recommended alternative.
- Safety: The proposed trail alternatives will provide for safe interaction of vehicular traffic at roadway crossings.
- Multimodal: The proposed trail alignment will serve to improve the bicycle and pedestrian mobility and livability within the corridor.
- Varied Trail Experience: Select a trail alternative that will give users a “varied experience” such as access to recreation areas, businesses, and scenic routes. Connectivity to parks, schools, places of interest, and other communities will also be considered while “closing the gap” and connecting to existing trail systems.
- Constructability: Select a trail alternative which is accepted by stakeholders while also being constructable and feasible.
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The project limits for the North Lake Trail PD&E Study are from E. Altoona Road (in Altoona) to State Road 40 (in Lake County). The project limits for the North Lake Trail design project are from E. Collins Street (in Umatilla) to E. Altoona Road (in Altoona).
As project information is completed, key items will be posted to this website, including upcoming meetings, which will be posted on the Outreach page. Project reports will be posted on the PD&E Study page in the Documents section. Please check back regularly as updates will be made available throughout the PD&E Study process.
If you would like to share your comments and/or questions with members of the project team, including Lake County Project Manager, George Gadiel, PE, or to easily subscribe to our periodically sent e-newsletters, you can do this through our Get Connected Online Form.
The Lake County Project Manager for the North Lake Trail PD&E Study and Design Segment is George Gadiel, PE. Please submit any questions or comments you may have directly to Mr. Gadiel through our Get Connected Online Form, directly by email at or via telephone at (352) 253-9092.
For the trail segment from E. Altoona Road to State Road 40, additional project steps (design and construction) will need to be completed after the PD&E Study is completed. The PD&E Study is expected to be finished by Fall 2024. The schedule for these future steps is unknown at this time.
For the trail segment from E. Collins Street to E. Altoona Road, additional project steps , which include construction, will need to be completed after design is completed. Design is expected to be finished by July 2024. The schedule for construction has not been determined.
As documents are completed for the North Lake Trail PD&E Study, they will be posted here. All documents will be in a format that can be downloaded.
Note: When available, draft study documents can be found below. Materials presented at Public Meetings or Hearings can be found on the Outreach page.
Description | Date Posted | File Type | File Size | Download |
Issue #1 (November 2022)
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870 KB
Issue #2 (May 2023)
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1.4 MB
Issue #3 (October 2023)
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File Size:
790 KB
Draft Study Documents:
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Click to Download
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Click to Download
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